Ethical Guidelines
Each member of NAESCO pledges to do the following:
1. To abide by all laws and regulations applicable to such member, including those governing
how RFPs, RFIs, RFQs and agreements can be solicited, competed for, priced, and
2. To not participate in procurements, or enter into agreements, where the member knows, or has
reason to know, that the procurement process is contrary to the law and regulations that
govern that procuring customer’s contracting authority.
3. To not misrepresent to prospective customers the scope of work that can lawfully be
performed, or the results that can lawfully or technically be obtained, under an agreement.
4. To not misrepresent the savings and/or costs in any component of any service or good
provided by the member.
5. To maintain in force an effective ethics compliance policy and program that includes periodic
training of employees and a process for employee reporting for perceived violations. To also
advise subcontractors of and require subcontractors to adhere to the ethics policies.
6. To utilize only appropriately qualified personnel for all goods and services provided.
7. To install and make operational all equipment promised under an agreement.
8. To ensure all member-supplied services and goods comply with applicable codes,
specifications, standards and regulations.
9. To utilize only those financing arrangements which comply with applicable laws and
regulations, and which accurately value and measure equipment performance, energy savings,
and other benefits.
10. To present the member’s qualifications, standing, and/or capabilities to perform the services,
provide the goods, and provide financing in a manner that is factually complete and accurate.
11. Not to make statements about any competitors’ qualifications, standing, and/or capabilities to
perform the services, provide the goods, or provide financing that are inaccurate, factually
incomplete, or which otherwise deliberately misrepresent the competitor(s).
Any entry of a judgment, or any plea arrangement, or other legal determination against, or
admission by, a member company that a law has been violated shall be deemed a violation of
these ethics guidelines.
An “agreement” described in these guidelines refers to any agreement that provides energy or
operational savings as part of services and/or goods provided that includes but is not limited to energy savings performance contracts and energy as a service contracts.
Ethics Guidelines Process:
1) Any member company representative may request a review of a potential violation of these
ethics guidelines by engaging with the Ombudsman.
2) The Ombudsman will follow established processes for the Ombudsman in regard to any ethics
3) Any determination of an ethics guideline violation will come from the Ombudsman.

Additional Membership Information
Who Joins NAESCO?
- EaaS providers
- Energy Efficiency Contractors
- Demand Response providers
- Utility distribution companies
- Distributed generation companies
- Efficient and renewable technology suppliers, manufacturers, and distributors
- Engineering firms
- Consulting firms
- Law firms
- Financial Institutions
- Public Sector/Non-profit entities